Free, modern API widgets
BASED ON HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPTEvery station hosted on Radiojar can take advantage of our modern and fully customizable widgets, including: player, chat and more.

No need to pay for unreliable plugins.
Widgets rely on the same API that powers reliably, no third parties involved.
No more ugly flash-based players.
Fully customizable
Change them using only HTML & CSS. Take a look at our API Widets code and some live examples.
Cross platform
They work on Macs, PCs and Unix, no strange proprietary plugins.
Mobile friendly
Compatible with most modern mobile devices.
Free micro-site
EMBED YOUR STATION'S MICRO SITE TO YOUR WEBSITEIf you are looking for an easy way to add a modern and user friendly player to your website with information on the recently played tracks, the current show and social share buttons, this is for you. This is a simple widget that doesn't require configuration. Just copy & paste the embed code in your own site!
Easily customizable
You can change colours and upload images from, no technical knowledge required.
Own your player
Use a player embedded on your own domain url that you can easily communicate.
Based on radiojar widgets
Uses Radiojar's own API Widgets.
Mobile friendly
Made with responsive design to work well on most modern tablets and mobile phones (or just small popup windows!).